Fcabook achieved 84 percent of the content ratio Post

Facebook got the lion's share in the overall NSH post content on the Internet, since the figure was obtained by more than 84% of the total participation of individuals and users of content on the Internet by a report issued by the competent ShareThis network .

Alone only! Facebook site is dominated by the 84.3 percent rate of total posts by (Share.) in which a user with the participation of things to his liking or publications or its own content on these networks.
While network Twitter a small percentage of posts made up 5.8% and came to this giant Facebook behind in second place, followed by III and IV both famous blogging platform Blogger and social network Pinterest.

While I got the rest of the other networks the most famous network Google Plus the ratio is almost non-existent, and it was for posts via e-mail attend for good Not being obtained a nearly 1 percent in fifth place shows the participation of individuals to the content of the World Wide Web via direct transmission to a specific person on his e-mail.

But the lion's share is left is my giant Facebook, which was founded by the young Mark Zuckerberg and the number of users of days some day growing up network exceeded the number one billion users, what people or institutions pay to share content on this network being up and wide and a huge slice of users.
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