A single SMS can crash the iPhone

On the iPhone, a simple SMS could cause the blocking of mobile and even the restart. Two empirical parades can adjust this bug without correcting it.
    A single SMS can crash the iPhone

The iPhone currently suffering from a strange illness. A single SMS can freeze of iOS message handler and sometimes even restart of the mobile abruptly if the message is received while the phone is locked. Reported by the site 9to5Mac , this bug comes from a flaw in the mobile operating system from Apple. The SMS in question is not any, since it must be composed of an unlikely result of special characters associated with other in Arabic. This suite has been revealed by the website Reddit.

The solutions to fix this bug

Strangely, to break the deadlock, the iPhone owner should receive a new message from the party who caused this bug by sending the message. Another solution is to use a Mac to respond to SMS to regain control of the message handler. However, these manipulations do not correct so far this dysfunction. That said, Apple would flooring technicians train on the bug to resolve it as soon as possible.
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