Simplify navigation with shortened it's a good thing, we can surf to easy on the Internet. So in this post, you know all about shortcuts that you may encounter in specific sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and others.
1. Double-click to open the video in full screen on the spot.
2. Use the "Space" button to work Pause for video (in case it runs full screen).
3. Click on the numbers from 1 to 9 to move to 10% to 90% of the duration of the video;
4. Click on the "+" and "-" to increase or decrease the volume of translation.
5. click on "button M "that can disable or enable audio from video.
On Twitter you can access a list of all the shortcuts by pressing the "Shift" + "?" . There are a lot of examples that you can use them to facilitate browsing of this social network, for example, when you press the "n" box will open to write your tweet ... etc
Facebook shortcuts can be varied between the browser and the last: So you can look at these shortcuts and how to use it with every browser from here.
7. keys 0 to 9 to open a set of pages on the site, for example, help page, Home, Time Line, friends, messages, notifications, settings, activity log, information and conditions, respectively;
8. Click "P" to open a new writing the Post box.
9. "C" to comment on the Post chosen;
10. "S" Post The Post chosen;
11. / to open the search box;
... Etc.
In the mail service provided by Google, Gmail, you can do many of the tasks in which the use of abbreviations only, which is nice compared to the previous sites that you can set your own shortcuts, and this link you can see a complete list of shortcuts available in this service.
12 pressing Ctrl + Enter to send the message.
13. Click on the "!" Report spam.
14. Pressure on the "F" to send a message and pressing the Shift + F, you can redirect the message in a new window.
15. Shift + N for renovation work of the conversation when there are new posts.
16. Shift + Esc back to the main window of the pop-up window.
17. pressing the "#" message will be moved to the trash.
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